Revealing the New Uniform of the Yule Grenadiers

Here they are, the new-look Yule Grenadiers!

The new figures are from HaT’s 7YW Austrian Infantry Marching set. The set also comes with musketeer figures which I ultimately intend to make use of for the 1st Noel Regiment of Foot and also for a sister battalion, the 2nd Noel!

Left: Revell and Right: HaT Yule Grenadiers

There a still a few things to attend to with this regiment. Their commanding officer, the recently returned Colonel Giftrapp and his horse Pandoro, needs a little work and a snowy base creating. The ensign has a pole but is notably flagless at the moment. Firstly, my daughter is supposed to be designing a second colour at some point, the first colour featuring a Christmas pudding was created five years ago. The intention is for the first colour to be a kind of King’s Colour with this second colour as the Regimental Colour. Further complicating production matters is that my printer is kaput!

So, keeping faith with tradition, the uniform is largely the same as the older Revell versions. However, the gold grenadier cap which they wore is now a brown fur cap instead.

I’ve enjoyed getting my creative juices going again with my fanciful Army of Advent. Recently, I put out the question as to where I could find some senior officers for the army and received some terrific great suggestions in return. Many thanks for that guys, I’ve decided to go with German manufacturer Hagen Miniatures and have just received some fabulous senior staff through the post lickety split. More on those soon!

16 thoughts on “Revealing the New Uniform of the Yule Grenadiers

  1. Those are looking very fine. Hagen makes some beautiful figures – I bought all my Portuguese from them – I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Looking good mate ! at least someone is optimistic in regards to celebrating Xmas !
    I have bought some Hagen Nappy Brits but although nicely done they were to large to really be 1/72 scale as they said they were , or maybe they forgot to say they were garrison troops !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Pat. I’m thinking my Army of Advent is rapidly becoming a year-round thing!

      That’s interesting what you say about the Hagen figures being large. I’ve got some of their 7YW troops come through now and luckily I’ve not noticed them being any bigger than any of the plastics from HaT or Revell, etc. The mounted figures seem perfectly to scale, in fact.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Don’t worry Marvin mate! its just me and my scale obsession, I have some fine metal Nappy Brits and its just that they vary somewhat in size across the set. They would sit nicely with the Italeri 95th but the difference between these two and the Revell 95th is too much for me! The set only comprises of 11 guys and would make a perfect Mini ,but like everyone the time factor rules it out at the moment! Bloody work never been busier!
        The one thing I did find earlier on when I did my first Nappy dio was that the Italeri French ere big and chunky, and I have read it mentioned on the PSR that most of their figures were well fed for soldiers ! Ha ha, oh the wife just said I’m just to fussy and it probably because I’m a little guy with some kind of complex ,Oh nice ! Keep well and I look forward to seeing your Hagen guys.

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