Firing Line: The 1st Foot Guards

Presenting my project’s third regiment from the Duke of Marlborough’s British army; the 1st Foot Guards!

Lovely figures, once again by Strelets, if not entirely historically accurate. They are mostly all from their new “Firing Line” box of British Infantry figures. Blue breeches, cuffs and collars are a distinctive element in this regiment’s uniform.

For the grenadiers, I’ve used a couple of figures from their “In Attack” box instead, simply because the ‘firing line’ grenadiers looked so good that I’m thinking of keeping them back for a special purpose.The grenadiers have blue fronted caps, piped with yellow, examples of which I’ve attempted to reproduce (see 1st Guards grenadiers crossing the River Nebel below):

The musketeers I’ve shown with yellow hat lace.

The Strelets Firing Line box comes with various firing and loading poses. For the 1st Guards, I’ve concentrated all the firing figures together within this single battalion. Strelets supplied two poses standing to fire their muskets.

But there were only a limited four figures in a kneeling pose across the box.

The NCO was a pleasing figure to paint, suitably adopting a shouting and pointing pose:

This commissioned officer appears to be wearing gaiters and is holding his pair of white gloves.

More ‘fun with flags’… Would you believe that I actually quite enjoy the tinkering challenge of not-quite-getting-it-right, until I eventually admit defeat and accept whatever outcome. With this one, I realised I had foolishly put the red device in completely the wrong corner! Oh well, never mind…

I’m now thinking that I’m ready to tackle something else in the WSS project which perhaps isn’t British infantry. I’m not sure what exactly yet and anyway the FEMbruary challenge will now take precedence for a little while. Furthermore, I’ve recently come into possession some more WSS figures – but more on this in another post.

Strelets, meanwhile, recently announced on their forum that they are committed to also producing both cavalry and artillery sets for this series, in addition to the French Fusiliers slated for production – so much more to look forward to there! đŸ™‚

12 thoughts on “Firing Line: The 1st Foot Guards

  1. Those are looking fabulous – really nice figures. Even up close I marvel at your painting control – I especially liked how you handled all the straps and gear on the grenadier.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the kind words, as always. Nice figures like these tend to reward a bit of careful painting so it’s worth taking a little extra time to get things like straps done as well I can.

      One thing I keep tinkering with are my shades of red for the coats. Each regiment is looking a tiny touch different but I’m feeling I’m settling on a satisfactory formula with these guards.


  2. Hi Marvinexcellent painting, my compliments, had the same thought about using firing poses from Attack set, in process of doing 38th Foot, slow work and i too have trouble with painting flags

    hoping my Les Higgins turn out as well with your superb touch cheers John

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you John. Different sculpting and different material may require a slightly different approach for the LH lads but I’m very much looking forward to having a go! đŸ™‚

      Good luck with the 38th!


  3. They are really nice, Marvin, and all coming along well! I do like that grenadier!

    I noticed that you’ve staggered your bases slightly so that the rear rank can fire over the front rank without bashing into them – you could maybe try basing front rank figures slightly to the left of their bases and rear rank figures slightly to the right, so that the bases can be lined up but the figures still have some clearance (if that makes sense).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers, John. Yes that does make sense and it’s a really good idea that’s never crossed my mind before!

      A really nice pose for the Grenadier. I understand that grenade throwing wasn’t something they’d engage with very often by this time except for sieges. But I like the figure a lot and wanted it painted!

  4. It is a nice figure! I may or may not have liked your comment several times over I’m afraid, since my screen didn’t refresh properly! Hope you haven’t been inundated with notifications and you think I’m being indecisive! đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Ian, very kind. Yes, there’s been a number of Les Higgins figures for sale by that seller recently. John Cunningham has very generously supplied me with samples of his fabulous recast LH range which I’ll be exploring as soon as I get a little time. đŸ™‚

      If my version of the painted LH troops on that blog look as good, then I’ll be well satisfied.


    1. Ha ha, that’s right – “bonus points for anyone who can spot the deliberate mistake in this photo”! đŸ˜€




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